Instruction Division

Provides professional security/ investigations/ polygraph instruction, training & seminars. our clients include several official Israeli investigating authorities, The Israeli college for security & investigations, security departments of some of the largest Israeli firms, security personnel, private investigators, chief security officers, and students that wish to become polygraph examiners. The Israeli Polygraph Academy provides polygraph training that is accredited by the Israeli Polygraph Examiners Association & provides training in Israel & in other countries. we provide many different instruction programs, according to the client’s needs. in times of social distancing – training is provided by video chat using “zoom” or “skype”.

Chief Secutity Officers training:

Personnel screening, security at the work environment, employee theft/ fraud/ embezzlement, suspect interrogation, information security, physical security, protection of corporal secrets, supply chain supervision, physical surveillance, technical surveillance, surveillance detection, detection of undercover investigations, the uses of informers at the work place, the uses of polygraph as a pre-employment tool & for periodical or specific tests, legal official databases, risk management, security surveys, proper writing of security procedures,
Proper incident report writing, security management, ethics & law, technology in the security environment.

Polygraph examiners training:

The Israeli Polygraph Academy offers a complete basic polygraph training. our program is accredited by the Israeli Polygraph Examiners Association .
Theoretical & practical uses of polygraph, polygraph history, physiology, psychology, different types of tests, different polygraph techniques,
Things that may affect the polygraph test results , drugs & medication and their affect, the polygraph in Israeli law, the pre-test interview, Question formulation, chart reading & scoring, proper test report writing, students perform several complete tests during the training.

Private investigations:

Proper suspect interrogation, proper writing of a suspects statement, detective work, surveillance, intelligence, stakeouts, overcoming resistance during questioning, psychological aspects during interrogation, lie detection, body language, cybercrime, legal aspects, interrogation tricks, intellectual property investigations, insurance investigations, undercover investigations, proper building of a cover story, proper uses of polygraph, the crime scene & proper collection of evidence.

Security personnel instruction & training:

Practical shooting instruction by certified shooting instructors, security screening, terror, hand to hand combat, first aid, simulations, Armed escort, VIP security planning, technical security equipment, access control, legal aspects of security, proper report writing, Proper relations with relevant law enforcement agencies, intelligence.